Stepping forward into the new version of you…
All that we traverse and experience in this life leaves an imprint and an alteration of our view. When we move through the big times and sometimes surprisingly some small times we seem to emerge changed and can find it uncomfortable to fit back into the spaces that once held us. We find ourselves jarred by some of the voices that surround us, their words appearing to be truly heard for the first time, their charge acutely felt.
This can be deeply unsettling and uncomfortable but yet we cannot un see what has been seen or un feel what has been felt. To deny the shifts that the experiences have brought would be to deny a part of ourself, a betrayal in a way of the wisdom that is held in our heart
We owe it to ourselves to step forward into this new version, to fully inhabit our inner and outer landscapes, with truth and with heart. To all of you who are struggling with these shifts, I send you love and solidarity, hold steady dear chums and be true to you ♥️