come as you are

My eldest son took this photo of me in one of my most favourite places, I have no idea what I am doing, I look utterly ridiculous but I know with certainty I was happy, out in this wilderness with my beloveds, safe to be me no matter how ridiculous that was! For so much of my life I would not allow the ridiculous, I contained and restricted myself to fit into a shape and a form I thought was expected of me, Scared that if I took up too much space I would be noticed and put out for not being the right fit.
A woman once said to me at her first class with me, ‘Am I ok to be here?’ I could have cried when I heard those words, it took me all my time not to spill out of myself! I fell over my words trying to assure her that she was welcome, that she was exactly where she should be. She continued to come to class but those words haunted me for weeks, because I knew them, I had spent lifetimes asking the same question.
People often say to me they would love to come to class but they aren’t bendy enough or they don’t feel the are the right shape, they aren’t fit enough or they just don’t have the confidence to walk in to a class… many reasons not to fit.
I try to create a yoga space to fit with as many people as I can, one that feels welcoming and comfortable. A place to explore movement and to drop into breath, an environment for rest and for recharge. One that always welcomes in the ridiculous but also nurtures connection to spirit. My classes won’t be for everyone, but you are all welcome.
So to all of you who are not sure whether you are ok to be here, come as you are, you are perfect!
With love Emily ♥️




Stepping forward into the new version of you…