In person Classes and workshops


Strathblane and Blanefield

Village CLub.

Wednesday Morning Gentle Hatha 9.30-10.30am

A class designed to work into and maintain the whole body, connecting with the breath, unwinding held tensions, creating space, building strength and offering deep relaxation. We move between finding stillness in postures to gently flowing between them. This class is suitable for anyone from beginners to regular practitioners.

Pre Booking is essential as numbers remain limited due to Covid -19 protocols.

Thursday Evening Seasonal Flow 7-8pm

A class inspired and in relationship with the seasons, the elements and the natural world. Bringing movements that suit the energy of the time we are in whilst working into areas of the body that will most benefit from the space and the strength as we negotiate the changing seasonal climate we inhabit. This class is suitable for all levels however we do flow in this class and in the summer months we bring the energy up a little. As always you will be encouraged to rest when you feel the need and alternatives postures are always offered.

in person 1:1 Sessions

I have a small availability for new 1:1 in person clients. These sessions are designed individually and holistically for each person. Please get in touch if you would like to discuss booking in.



A gentle class with limited numbers designed to ease into the whole of the body, taking time with the breath, exploring a mixture of mindful stillness in postures, somatic movements, strength building and gentle flows and always finishing with a deep relaxation. Suitable for all levels from beginners to regular practitioners.


Just beneath the surface imbolc mini retreat

In person at the village club blanefield 2nd February 1-4pM

Imbolc is the celtic festival marking the first suggestions of spring, sitting at the half way point between the winter solstice and the vernal equinox it bears witness to the quiet movements and preparations that exist mostly out of sight, just beneath the surface. The promise of new life to come, the hint of the possibilities that springtime holds.

As nature prepares to awaken from her winter slumber, so to do we. After months of moving inwards in our practices and our awareness, it is time prepare for the journey outwards. As the winter Cailleach anticipates her slumber it is nearing time to call to the Celtic goddess of Spring and Summer Brigid to assemble and take her watch over the land. We too can begin to call in the aspects of ourselves that exist and flourish in the spring and summer months.

The afternoon will be an opportunity to come together in community, to gather, regroup and replenish after the festive. To take time away from the demands of every day life, to draw on some support to carry us through the last and sometimes most vicious gasps of the Scottish winter. To look forward in the knowing that the full bloom of spring is closer than it feels. We will explore plant allies in the form of essential oils that engage with the energy of this time, drop into movement, breath and meditative practices that connect us to nature’s shifts all around us. This event is suitable for both beginners and those with a more established practice. Please get in touch with any questions.

Cost £40